Up and running.  

Well, I have been very busy building things and so the website has gone by the wayside.  I am working here to start writing about the things that I am building, 

Three things that are important for me when it comes to the customized.construction website:

  1. Projects first- I want this to be about the projects before it is about anything else.  I need a place to vent and that is the main goal of this website.
  2. helping others second.  I want to help others,  I will provide a lot of free information here, but I will also be using this website as an example of my work to attain clients.
  3. self promotion for client interest- I need to make a living to keep things like this website going, so in order for it to exist, It will have to help me find paid gigs, so that will be the final goal.
  4. Product sales- if I can make it once, I can replicate it.  So you can buy what I make via a store (low priority)

I have created many great websites over the years.  My most popular is QuadQuestions.com.  I also freelance as an ecommerce consultant for several clients.  My idea with Customized Construction is to focus on content.  So the main goal will be to write about what I am working on, If I focus on that, the rest should fall into place. I did the same thing with QuadQuestions, but my enjoyment of drones has become quite limited and I have shifted my focus towards other things. 

I am going to start off the blog by ranting about the topics for customized.construction.  From there I will create content. 

Thanks for checking it out!



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